This is Trinity Cush that Isaiah talks and the church of Zion. We are the children of God and put the Word of the Lord to the Nation.
   In 2001, the Cush start prayer in Presbyterian Church in Des Moines. The given Cush chapel that contains 100
people. We are praying in the morning and evening on Sudan. The Cush Church were lead by Mayom Jok and he was ordinated to Evangelist in Episcopalian Church. Jok was lead church from 2001 to 2014. In 2014 to currently Leading Trinity Cush by Jacob Deng Aleer is the evangelist in the title.
Aleer is nominated to postulancy and becomes priesthood's in Trinity Cush .We have four other members from Cush that pray in  St.Andrew’s Church and the case worker was Rev. Peggy parries  St.Andrew’s.
She was encouraging us to come to St.Andrew’s Church and you need to come to this Episcopal. Peter mabiei and
David Agot are responser  from St.Andrew’s Church to advice Cush to come to Episcopal and we are member
of  Episcopal back home.
Bishop Nathaniel Garang came here in Des Moines and we set meeting to talk how to come to
St.Andrew’s Church. Bishop told us to come to Episcopal Church and we are one Episcopalian. We are guided in Book of Common Prayer and constitution of Episcopal. We are working together in US and Sudan as Episcopalian. You need to
go to the Episcopal. We all agreed to come to St. Andrew Church Episcopalian. The St. Andrew’s were very nice to welcome Cush and the gave us the chapel for prayers. St. Andrew was offering for us to teaching youth and adults education in English
as Second Language. They are making us to be free in the church for the community service and activity. The church is open for Cush Community and the consider us as our church. Bishop Alan Scarfe came to saw Cush in St.Andrew’s and we we’re enjoying conversation to Rev.Alan dioceses of Iowa.Bishop suggested to let one person to be attending the seminary school  to become priest for Cush Church and  six people will attend the development learning.
In Trinity Cush are the citizens in the United States and members of Episcopalian Church. We arecongregations that work together and teach the word of God.  The Trinity Cush always invite all the communities in December 25 every year to celebrate Christmas and New Year. We are teaching the Word of God and sharing the story about the Christian life. It is the way of  giving-thanks to God and harvesting.
The kids are very enjoying to meeting and play together. Happy to eat good food and cultural meal. The women are cooking very excellent food according to Cush Culture. We are also, welcome to visit to celebrate and pray together.
The Christ is the head of church and work to individual life to become one body in Christianity Life.
The communities are
very large in number. We are continuing to bring people to church and the prepress in the future to pray two times a day that
people working in the mornings will be attending evening prayers and people working at evening will be attending in the
morning prayer. We are looking forwards to spread the Word of God to the communities in Iowa and out side of  Iowa . It is an important to teachers of any language according to their traditional way.
The dialogues are most important to know for children and adults.  The culture is best way to know the traditional belied Trinity Cush such as from children that born in the United States and others country. The activities are most important to teaching children about drama and dancing Cush culture. The books of common prayer are most important to both languages
according to the dialogues. The Bible is main thing that need to focus for translation
to different languages. We are needed  to emembrance Cush by this Church and carrying to next generation. Trinity Cush is continuing for ever and ever.
Trinity Cush Episcopal Church
5720 Urbandale Ave, Des Moines
Iowa 50310